No Buzzing Little Fly — Why the Creation-Evolution Debate is So Important –

Al Mohler has another fine defense of Biblical creationism over against the lies (and attacks!) of evolutionism. As he reports in this post from this past Wednesday (Jan.5), the strongest attacks going on currently are not from those outside the church but from within – especially from the Christian scientists at the BioLogos Foundation. Though Mohler is attacked personally in the exchanges, he does not make the issue a personal one. The cause is greater – fidelity to God and His Word. Read his enlightening and encouraging article at the link below. Here is how he begins:

The folks at BioLogos ended the year 2010 by declaring “The Dawning of a New Day.” Darrel Falk, president of The BioLogos Foundation, wrote with both passion and anticipation as he reviewed the past year and the impact of BioLogos on the evangelical scene. If making a splash was their ambition, they certainly achieved it. And yet, Dr. Falk clearly seems frustrated that the task undertaken by BioLogos is so daunting.

He reports that BioLogos has “barely begun to deal with the issues in a substantive manner.” Furthermore, he explains that the task of convincing evangelical Christians to accept the theory of evolution represents no small challenge. “Why is the task so difficult?” he wonders.

He suggests three reasons for this difficulty. First, he argues that the church pays far too much attention to a “scientific enterprise” that isn’t, in his view, scientific. He points specifically to the work of the Intelligent Design movement. Dr. Falk, representing the position of BioLogos, insists that the evolutionary “scientific enterprise” is the authoritative world of true science. “For hundreds of years now science has been successfully informing us about the natural world,” he insists. Of course, throughout the centuries, many scientific certainties have been embarrassingly overthrown. – No Buzzing Little Fly — Why the Creation-Evolution Debate is So Important.

Morning Bell: No Bailouts for Government Unions

From time to time I like to post items related to the Christian and his labor, and contrariwise, items related to the power and abuses of secular labor unions. This past Monday the Heritage Foundation posted this article related to the bailout of government unions at the state level. The writer takes off on the report that New York City’s sanitation workers deliberately slowed down snow removal efforts after its recent storm. It makes for revealing reading. If you would like to subscribe to any of the Heritage Foundation’s newsletters, see their home page.

Here’s the opening of the article:

New York City’s Department of Investigation (DOI) announced Friday that it is looking into reports that some Sanitation Department supervisors told workers to slow their snow removal efforts as a protest against budget cuts. DOI spokeswoman Diane Struzzi told Businessweek: “What we are looking at is whether there was intentional misconduct relating to the snow removal, whether or not there was a slowdown.”

The investigation was prompted by statements from City Councilman Dan Halloran (R–Queens) who told The New York Post Thursday that three plow workers from the Sanitation Department and two Department of Transportation supervisors alerted him to the plot: “They were told [by supervisors] to take off routes [and] not do the plowing of some of the major arteries in a timely manner. They were told to make the mayor pay for the layoffs, the reductions in rank for the supervisors, shrinking the rolls of the rank-and-file.” Between 660 and 720 sanitation workers called in sick for the cleanup of the blizzard—more than double the usual rate. But Halloran admits he has no proof of an organized slowdown, and Sanitation Officers Association President Joe Mannion adamantly denies any plot: “Absolutely not, there was no slowdown.”

Any deliberate slowdown by the Sanitation Officers Association would be not only morally reprehensible but also illegal under New York state law. The Public Employees Fair Employment Act (aka the Taylor Law) specifically forbids New York government unions from striking. But since its inception the Uniformed Sanitationmen’s Association has challenged the law, and Transit Workers President Roger Toussaint was even jailed for violating the law after a 2005 strike.

Morning Bell: No Bailouts for Government Unions | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News..

Published in: on January 8, 2011 at 3:19 AM  Leave a Comment