Another Book domino world record attempt! Spells words in Dutch!

Book domino world record attempt at Antwerp book fair – video | World news |

I don’t know if you remember my earlier story on this book domino concept (See this story on the Seattle Public Library record – at the time.), but here’s another. Since the Seattle attempt a new record has been set by the Cape Town Library. But recently a new attempt for a world record has been achieved – at the Antwerp Book Fair. Below is an introduction to the video of the attempt, and then the video itself as it appears on YouTube. It is yet another awesome display of the power of books! Enjoy!

A Belgium book association attempts to set a new world record for the longest ‘book domino’ chain. Using almost 5,000 books, the chain tumbles through the Antwerp book fair, spelling the Dutch words for ‘book’, ‘fair’ and ‘read’. Cape Town Library holds the current record of 2,586 books which beat Seattle Public Library’s record of 2,131 in August.