Word Wednesday – “rubric” (as in red header)

rubricsA Standard Bearer writer and reader suggested that I feature the word “rubric” for a Word Wednesday item sometime, and since we just finished and sent off to the printer today the November 1 “SB” issue – which has only one of its usual rubrics because it is the special Reformation issue (a dandy one too – just wait until you see it!) – today will be the day to reference those fine, red headers we call rubrics.”

Why do I say “red headers”? Because the root of the word “rubric” is rubrica (or rubeus) – “red” – and to highlight headings on a document long ago writers (and editors) used the color red. Hence, “rubric” came to be used for the heading itself. From there, “rubric” came to be used for a category of documents, which is the way we commonly use the word today.

When I mention “rubrics” in the Standard Bearer, I am referring to certain categories or columns of articles under which the writers pen their articles. Thus, certain of our pastors write meditations under that rubric. The editors write “editorials”. Several men take turns writing on current events under the “All Around Us” label. You get the point.

SB-Oct1-2015-coverNow, you “SB” readers will observe that our “rubrics” are not highlighted in red; we actually use a black or blue ink on the cover and inside. But, in trueness to the original meaning of “rubric”, we “SB” editors do use a lot of red ink when we work our way through the twenty-four pages of each issue. That’s not a reflection on our writers; it is, however, on the fussiness of the editors. Maybe our contributors feel “black and blue” when we are done “red-inking” their articles. 🙂

Thank you, “SB” writers for your faithful submissions under your respective rubrics! And thank you, “SB” readers, for faithfully reading these red-marked articles printed in black and blue! We hope the quality shows!

Published in: on October 14, 2015 at 9:22 PM  Leave a Comment