A.Mohler on Keeping a Reading Routine

Reading-2This is a follow-up post to yesterday’s, in which we looked at chapter 15 of Matt Perman’s book What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done (Zondervan, 2014).

In that post mention was made of the fact that one of the six routines we ought to have on our daily schedules is “reading and development.” In that connection, Perman has a special box quote in that section, in which he references Dr. Al Mohler, who is well-known for his reading prowess and routine (one book a day!).

Today I return to that section and post Mohler’s thoughts on reading as Perman records them on p.216.

Q. What is the most important advice you would give to others on reading?

A. I can’t give just one word there. Two or three. Realize that when you read, you are putting investments in a bank form which to draw, even if it doesn’t appear to  have direct relevance. Second, use your books, don’t just read them. Mark in them, keep a conversation in them. Third, don’t build a book collection; build a library and make it work for you. Fourth, realize you’re never going to read everything. We will die with things we wish we had read. But the fact is too many people do not read. The problem for most is not that they are learning too much, but that they aren’t learning enough.

For more on Mohler’s thoughts on reading, visit this blog post of his.