The Binding of Satan by D.Kelly & an Interesting Interview with J.Beeke

The Binding of Satan by Douglas Kelly | Reformed Theology Articles at

TT-Dec2013My Sunday periodical reading included the next feature article on this month’s Tabletalk theme, “The Millennium”. Written by Dr. Douglas F.Kelly, professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) in Charlotte, NC, it carries the above title, and is a soundly Reformed (amillennial) interpretation of the binding of Satan as described in the classic passage on the millennium, Rev.20. I recommend it to you for your own reading and understanding of this important passage.

Here is the conclusion to his study – from which we may take great comfort and confidence in the face of the devil’s power:

Although the evil one still has limited power in a fallen world, it is far less than what he had when he was able to bind and blind all nations outside Israel. And believers can still overcome even Satan’s limited power, for James 4:7 commands us, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Revelation 12:11 testifies of the embattled saints that “they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” Hence, on the foundational truth of Satan’s having been bound from blinding the nations, the church may daily pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10), and find comfort in God’s assurance: “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession” (Ps. 2:8).

I also read with interest the interview feature, which this month is with Dr.Joel R.Beeke, who as you may know lives and labors here in Grand Rapids, MI (Heritage Reformed Congregation and Puritan Reformed Seminary).

While we do have our differences with the theology of Beeke at certain key points (doctrine of the covenant, call of the gospel, etc.), he is a lover and promoter of good books, including the writings of the Puritans.

Part of the interview included a discussion of books, so it is that part of the interview I post here for your benefit. The KJV Study Bible project in particular will be of interest to us, I believe. To read the entire interview, visit this Ligonier link.

TT: What new projects are in the works at Reformation Heritage Books (RHB)?

JB: We are working on three massive projects right now at RHB. The first is a KJV study Bible, projected for print in 2015. It will be the first KJV study Bible that is thoroughly Reformed and helpful for fathers in leading family worship. The second project is the complete works of William Perkins, one of the fathers of Puritanism, in ten volumes. His works have not been printed since the early seventeenth century. The third project, in conjunction with the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, is the translation into English of Petrus VanMastricht’s extensive Reformed theology, which explores each point from biblical, doctrinal, polemical, and practical perspectives. Jonathan Edwards said it was the best thing ever written besides the Bible.

TT: Why should twenty-first century Christians read the Puritans?

JB: The Holy Spirit revived the church in the Reformation and Puritan era, filling jars of clay (men such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Perkins, John Owen, John Bunyan, and Jonathan Edwards) with treasures of spiritual gold. God illuminated the Reformers to rediscover fundamental biblical truths about salvation and worship. The Puritans wedded vibrant spirituality to a rich, Bible-based theology. Reading their writings moves your soul with awe at God’s glory, builds up your mind with faith in the truths of Scripture, ignites your heart with love for Christ the all-sufficient Savior, and expands your life out of its shrunken puddle of selfishness to expect great things from God and to attempt great things for God. In other words, the Puritans give us fuel for worship and missions.

My Top Books of 2013 – T.Challies

My Top Books of 2013 | Challies Dot Com.

As is customary for many publishers and bloggers, lists of best books and favorite books are coming to light as we near the end of this year. Pastor/blogger Tim Challies posted his last week Wednesday (Dec.11, 2013) and today we will start with his. Look for others to follow in the days ahead as I have been saving them up as they arrive.

I have also asked the professors and students at Seminary to submit their favorite books of 2013, and I will publish that list sometime next week, I hope. They do have a busy week this week 🙂

I also want you to feel free to share your favorite titles from this year on my blog. You may either place it here as a comment, or you may email me and I will post it along with my own. If you wish it to be anonymous, that is fine. But please include a comment about why this was your best book of 2013. Thanks in advance for your bravery in doing this. At least I hope I get a few responses!

not-by-sight-JBloomHere is the beginning of Challies’ post; to view his actual list, visit the link above.

2013 was a great year for Christian readers, and today I want to share some of my top picks from the year that is swiftly drawing to a close. Let me offer a few caveats: First, these are almost certainly not the 8 best books of 2013 in any objective sense; rather, they are my favorites, the ones that have remained in my mind and impacted my life since I read them. Second, these are not necessarily books published in 2013, but books I read in 2013. Third, they are in no particular order. And finally, at the request of several readers I am posting this list before the end of the year because some people would like to refer to it as they do their Christmas shopping. Enjoy!

Published in: on December 16, 2013 at 9:08 AM  Leave a Comment  